Lockdown Support For Victorians
The Victorian Government understands the impact the current lockdown has had and will continue to have on all Victorians. The Government has announced numerous payments that are available not only for businesses but also for individuals that have been affected.
To help you understand what payments are available we have provided a breakdown of each payment below.
Support For Businesses
Cash grants will be paid directly to businesses that have previously received grants from the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021. This does include Regional businesses.
Businesses whom have previously received the grant from the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund will receive a top-up amount of $3,000 and business that have received the grant from the Business Costs Assistance Program will receive a top-up amount of $2,000.
If a Business has not received any of the grants listed above they will not be eligible to receive a top-up amount.
Support For Individuals
COVID-19 Disaster Payments
Individuals whom are unable to attend work, lost income and/or are unable to access paid leave entitlements may be eligible to receive the Disaster Payment. If you and your partner have both been affected by the lockdown you can both claim for the Disaster Payment.
Sole traders may also be eligible for the Disaster payments if they are unable to operate from their home and if they have not received the state business grant.
The Disaster payment will not be accessible until the 23 rd July 2021.
Depending on how many hours the individual has lost per week and if the payment if on or after the third period of lockdown will decide how much the disaster payment amount is. If the individual has lost between 8 and 20 hours per week they will receive $375. If the individual has lost 20 or more hours they will receive $600.
The disaster payment is available for individuals if they:
And you:
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
Individuals that have been advised by health authorities to self-isolate or quarantine may be eligible for the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment due to:
If you are eligible you will receive $1,500 for each 14 day period they are required to self-isolate or quarantine. If you and your partner have both been affected by the lockdown you can both claim for the Disaster Payment.
The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is available for individuals that:
The payment is taxable and you will need to declare it in your income tax return.
The material and contents provided in this publication are informative in nature only. It is not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained.